- kiteflying
- kitemark
- kith
- kiting
- kiting cheque
- kiting stocks
- kiting transaction
- kitol
- kitt
- kittel centrifugal tray
- Kittel polygonal tray
- kittel tray
- Kittel's method
- Kittel's treatment
- kitten
- kittenball
- kittenish
- kittiwake
- kittle
- kittle cattle
- Kittle overflow tray
- kitty
- Kitzmiller tests
- Kiuchi-Malone tests
- Kiutsi-Malone reaction
- kiviat graph
- kiwi
- Kiwiscb's bandage
- Kjeldahl apparatus
- Kjeldahl determination
- Kjeldahl flask
- Kjeldahl method
- Kjeldahl's method
- Kjeldahl's tests
- Kjeldahl-Gunning method (for nitrogen determination)
- Kjelland's forceps
- kl
- Klaarmer's tests
- Klan
- klang
- Klansman
- Klapp's creeping treatment
- Klapp's suction cups
- klatch
- klatsch
- klatsch preparation
- klatsch-preparation
- Klauser's reaction
- Klausner's reaction
- Klausner's seroreaction
- klaxon
- Klebs' disease
- Klebs' tuberculin
- Klebs' tyberculin
- Klebs-Loffler bacillus
- Klebsiella
- Klebsiella capsulatus
- Klebsiella friedlanderi
- Klebsiella granulomatis
- Klebsiella ozaenae
- Klebsiella paralytica
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis
- kleene
- kleene hierarchy
- Kleene's theorem on fixpoint
- Kleene's theorem on regular set
- Klein reaction
- Klein tests
- Klein's bacillus
- Klein's disease
- Klein's liquid
- Klein's muscle
- Klein's reagent
- Klein-Gumprecht nuclei
- Klein-Gumprecht shadow nuclei
- Klein-ryderg method
- klein-schmidt keyboard perforator
- kleine regel
- Kleine-Levin syndrome
- Kleinenberg mixture
- kleinite
- kleinschmidt printer
- kleinschmidt's glands
- Kleist's sign
- kleiunian
- kleiunian group
- Klemm's sign
- Klemm's tetanus
- Klemperer's disease
- Klemperer's tests
- knock sth into shape
- knock the bottom out of
- knock the bottom out of...
- knock the breath out of sb
- knock the breath out of sb.
- knock the enemy troops out of action
- knock the spots off
- knock the stuffing out of sb
- knock the stuffing out of sb.